Sunday, June 09, 2019, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Church, 1000 Tinker Road, Colleyville, TX US 76034
Our Father: A Journey through the Lord's Prayer
Join us as GSCC Music Ministry presents a musical “Journey through the Lord’s Prayer.” The Parish Choir, Youth Orchestra, Soloists, and Readers will combine for this special choral worship experience. From the composer, Pepper Choplin: “Sometimes, when we pray the prayer, we simply recite it out of habit without grasping its power. I hope this cantata will help you and your listeners connect personally with the prayer so that it will become a significant moment of communion with God.”
This presentation will also kick off Choir Tour 2019! Our pastoral musicians will be traveling to New York City from June 13 - 17. On June 14, our choir will present “OUR FATHER” in concert at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. Their second concert will be presenting Mark Hayes’ “TE DEUM” and Brahms’ “Schicksalsied” in Carnegie Hall on Sunday, June 16 accompanied by the New England Symphonic Ensemble.