Thank you for becoming a Leader of a Ministry, Small Church Community Group or a Council Lead! There are so many who need spiritual care in our faith community of Good Shepherd. Called by God, your responsibility to lead others to encounter Christ and play your part in the encouragement and strengthening of his people, is so very important.
Amazing to say, but the Ministry Lead is a major factor in a parishioner's whole experience of church and a parishioner’s experience of church is often a major factor in that person's living for Christ in the week, month, or year ahead.
And guess what?
We are here to help along the way!
“Now the body is not a single part, but many. But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended.” 1 Corinthians 12: 14, 18
Scheduling a meeting is easy. Follow these four steps
Everything starts with a great idea!
Hooray! Your part is done! We will be back in touch soon!
What to expect to receive when you send in your communication.
The Communication Team needs advance notice to complete an accurate Communication Package. Below is the a timeline to follow and what will be included depending on the advance notice. Please note: that the advance notice should be from the date that you wish to begin your promotion, not the actual date of your event.
2 months advance notice (from date you wish to begin promotion)
- Content creation
- Graphic Design
Which will appear in/on:
- Bulletin
- E-newsletter
- Website
- Social Media
- Flyer
- Campus TVs
- App
- Registration (optional)
- Yard Signs (optional)
- Banner (optional)
4 week advance notice (from date you wish to begin promotion)
- Content creation
- Graphic Design
Which will appear:
- Bulletin
- E-newsletter
- Website
- Social Media
- Flyer
- Campus TVs
- App
- Registration (optional)
2 week advance notice (from date you wish to begin promotion)
- Content creation
- Graphic Design
Which will appear:
- E-newsletter
- Website
- Campus TVs
- App