Friday, December 31, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Good Shepherd Catholic Community, 1000 Tinker Road, Colleyville, TX US 76034
Room: Church
Mass Times:
Friday, December 31: 5:00pm
Saturday, January 1: 10:00am
Why do Catholics honor Mary as Mother of God?
Simple: Jesus is the son of Mary. Jesus is God. Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God.
On this holy feast day, we take a moment as we start our new year to honor our Blessed Mother, who in her “yes” to God brought our Savior into the world to redeem us.
Jesus says on the cross, “Behold your Mother.” As we all jump into the frenzy of the new year and start attempting to bring our resolutions to fruition, let us call on the aid of our Mother Mary to give us the strength to draw closer to her Son every day this year.
For more in-depth spiritual reading and analysis on this Catholic teaching, check out Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical, Redemptoris Mater. You can read it here: Redemptoris Mater (25 March 1987) | John Paul II