Did you know every male member of GSCC is part of the GSCC Men's Club?
They just might not be actively involved.
Annually the GSCC MC runs the Super Casino night, which has raised over $900,000 since 2016 , which is donated to local schools, charities and service organizations.
Our social calendar is focused on service to the families of GSCC, featuring Drive-in movies and Football Watching Tailgate parties in the parking lot, outings to Rangers Games, Top Golf, Back-to-School breakfasts featuring the Blessing of the Backpacks, Breakfast with Santa, and much more.
The Men's Club is extremely interested in what you want your Men's Club to be.
Please take a few minutes and complete this short questionnaire.
Men's Club Questionnaire
Men's Club - Welcome
We invite all men of the parish 18 and older to join the MEN’S CLUB. The MEN’S CLUB is a Spiritual, Social and Service organization within GSCC that promotes the values of our parish and supports Holy Trinity Tuition Assistance fund, scholarships for GSCC graduating seniors and various outreach programs
The MEN’S CLUB is a great way to meet other men of the parish, benefit our youth, the parish, and the community, and to enjoy an evening of faith, fellowship, and service once a month.
Be sure to check the sidebar for our next MEN’S CLUB activity!
Men's Club Distribution of Proceeds from Super Casino Night
The Bishop receives a donation from the MEN’S CLUB for the Diocesan Seminary Fund.
Father Richard receives a donation from the MEN’S CLUB for the Franciscan Seminary Fund.
Deacon Jeff Heiple receives a donation from the MEN’S CLUB for Holy Trinity Catholic School.
Charlie Morrison receives a donation from the MEN’S CLUB for Cristo Rey School.
Why Join the Men's Club?
The objective of the Good Shepherd Catholic Community Men's Club is to unite all men of the parish to reach out in fellowship by enriching and deepening the religious and social character of its members, and reflecting the ideals given to us by Christ. As we work together in support of the parish family, the Men's Club desires to promote programs designed to improve the spiritual and the social well being of all members of the parish.

Men's Club Membership
New Members: Membership is free.
Just complete our membership form. You can also select to order a shirt ($30.18). Name tag (free) and shirt, if you ordered one will be available for pick up in the parish office in about 2-3 weeks.
current Members:
Click here to order an additional name badge
Men's Club Executive Board
MEN’S CLUB Executive Board 2020-2021
President: Thomas Wilde
Vice President: Gerry Schwebel
Secretary: Marco Amaya
Treasurer: Nick Polito
Special Projects: John Furin
Committee Chairs Name
Staff Contact/Ministry Lead
Staff Lead: Nicole Trevino, 817-421-1387
Ministry Lead (President): Thomas Wilde