The act of requesting Baptism for your child is in itself a sign of faith! God’s very nature is to share life and love. “Christian parents will recognize that this practice [bringing their child to Baptism] also accords with their role as nurturers of the life that God has entrusted to them.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1251) This sacramental process is designed to enable parents to understand more fully their responsibility to nurture the grace of the sacrament.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! Please read our FAQ which has quick answers to common questions about Godparent(s), Marriage Validation, non-Catholics, etc.

  1. Complete "Initial Infant Baptismal Info"
  2. Obtain from the Godparent(s) the completed "Certificate of Eligibility" form(s)"
  3. Submit a copy of the long form of your child's Birth Certificate
  4. Attend Baptism Prep Signup online .
    • Baptism Classes are held once a month on Saturdays from 9:30am – 11:00am at the parish. When you arrive, check in at the Parish Office Reception desk for the classroom assignment. You may also attend a class at a neighboring parish. If so, we'll need a verification of attendance.

  • Please do not make travel plans prior to receiving contact from the Baptism Assistant that all requirements are complete.  All paperwork must be turned in at least 3 weeks prior to the desired baptism date.  

  • Once we receive all completed documents, we will contact you to supply ceremony details and schedule which upcoming group baptism you'd like to join.

  • Group Baptisms are typically held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30pm (immediately after the 11am Mass) 

  • Parents who do not belong to GSCC must provide documentation from their parish indicating permission from their Pastor for the Baptism to be celebrated at GSCC.
  • Certificate of Eligibility 
    • Parishioner of GSCC: fill out your portion and submit form to the office.
    • Parishioner from another parish: fill out your portion and have your Parish Priest verify sacraments, fill out his portion, sign it, and seal it with their Parish Seal (embossed/stamp). The original must be submitted to the Good Shepherd parish office. 
  • If able, attend Baptism Prep Class” (cf. CIC 851.2)
  • Only one Godparent is required, but if you decide to have two, you must choose one male and one female.

  • The Godparents may not also be the parents of the child. A Godparent must be at least 16 years of age.

  • A Godparent must have received all of the Catholic Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.

  • A Godparent must be a practicing Catholic; that is, living the Faith by regular Mass attendance, etc.

  • If married, a Godparent must be in a union recognized as valid by the Catholic Church.

  • If unmarried, a Godparent may not be cohabiting.

  • A Baptized non-Catholic may stand alongside the sponsor in the ceremony as a "Christian Witness."



Katie Rector

Marriage Prep and Baptism Administrative Assistant


Good Shepherd Catholic Community

Attn: Katie Rector 1000 Tinker Road

Colleyville, Texas 76034