Saints Among Us

One of the greatest treasures of the Catholic Church is the holiness of its members.  Among the members of the Catholic Church, there is a small and noble group of people that stand out as shining examples of holiness and goodness.  These are people who have given everything for the love of God and neighbor, have been tried in the fires of persecution and have made choices throughout their lives that were in union with the holy will of God.  These holy men and women are the canonized Catholic saints of the Roman Catholic Church.  It was the inspiration of Rev. Richard Eldredge, TOR, the first resident Pastor at Good Shepherd, to have each classroom/meeting room on this property named for a saint and marked with an image of him or her.  Good Shepherd also has fifteen tapestries in our church, highlighting some of the most extraordinary saints. The individual saints were chosen to edify and inspire us.  Below you will find links to short biographies of these Catholic saints that are depicted at Good Shepherd.  We hope their stories will inspire you to follow in the footsteps of the saints as disciples of Jesus!

Our church tapestries pictured above left to right (Marian Garden - north wall in the church): 

Our church tapestries pictured above left to right  (Ambo - east wall in the church): 

Our church tapestries pictured above left to right  (Choir - south wall in the church): 


PH118 St. Maria Goretti  

PH119 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 

PH121 St. Dominic Savio   

PH122 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 

PH124 Blessed Imelda Lambertini   


SC110  St. Louis of France  

SC112  St. John XXIII 

SC113  St. Bernadette Soubirous  

SC114  St. Kateri Tekakwitha 

SC115  St. John Bosco 

SC116  St. Teresa of Calcutta  

SC117  Blessed Stanley Rother  


SC201  St. Anthony of Padua 

SC202  Pope St. John Paul II 

SC203  St. Margaret of Cortona 

SC204  St. Teresa of Avila 

SC205  St. Faustina  

SC206  St. Monica  

SC207  Blessed Raymond Lull 

SC208  St. Augustine  

SC209  St. Maximilian Kolbe 

SC210  St. Bonaventure    


SC120  St. Therese of Lisieux  

SC125  Archangel Gabriel   

SC126  Guardian Angel  

SC130  Archangel Raphael 

SC131  Archangel Michael