Over the past year of this pandemic many have supported the needs of others. We thank you for your support. As we are able to thank God for the lessening pandemic effects we also know there are still others needing our help, include some of our seniors. Your donations to help them continue to be appreciated. Some on fixed-incomes can have unexpected expenses. These include medical co-pay or prescription, grocery and fuel, as well as the minor expenses that occasionally pop up especially on those months that have an extra week in the monthly benefit payments. You can help if you know someone with an emergency situation by making a donation to the SERF program. If you know a senior-aged parishioner on a fixed-income who occasionally cannot afford to pay monthly expenses, SERF might be able to help. Through the Good Shepherd Senior Emergency Relief Fund our parish can provide assistance to help pay for those unexpected emergencies.

If you are senior-aged parishioner who wants more information about or wishes to apply for assistance through this fund, please:

Once you complete the application, please submit it to the Good Shepherd Coordinator of Outreach Ministries Ray Matteson.  You can drop it off in the Parish Office or submit it via email at  .  Ray will review your application and contact you regarding the next steps.  


If you would like to support this new outreach program by making a donation, you can make a donation via Faith Direct or you can contact Good Shepherd Bookkeeper, Teresa Isakson. You also can bring your donation to the parish office.  All checks should be payable to Good Shepherd Catholic Community and have “Senior Relief Fund” written in the memo line.