As a parish, we've cast a vision for living out five characteristics of a disciple. Now, we're moving that vision into an experience – an experience that will fully engage us all in our mission of discipleship and evangelization. Jesus has a mission just for you.
Be Disciples. Make Disciples.
In welcoming all, we form disciples who know, love, and serve God and neighbor.
A disciple welcome God's people, encounters Jesus Christ, grows in Jesus Christ, serves God's people, and shares the Gospel.
Disciples are followers of Jesus. Making disciples is evangelization. As Catholics, Jesus calls us to be disciples and to make disciples. Moving forward as a parish community, let's reflect on five characteristics of being a disciple: welcome, encounter, grow, serve, and share. What is the purpose? We are seeking to empower all people to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and to live out our Catholic calling of discipleship and evangelization.
Good Shepherd exists to call each of our members, wherever they are at, to a lifestyle of discipleship that involves WELCOMING God’s people, ENCOUNTERING Jesus Christ, GROWING in Jesus Christ, SERVING God’s people, and SHARING the Gospel. As we seek to live out these five characteristics of a disciple, we may find that we are one of the following:
New Disciple | Growing Disciple | Missionary Disciple
8th grade & younger Disciple Self-Discovery
Click the button above to take our short Good Shepherd Disciple Self-Discovery to see where YOU are on your journey as a disciple of Jesus here at Good Shepherd. The results from your self-discovery will offer suggested activities for you to take the next step forward as a disciple.