Mosaics: Created by Rohn Liturgical Design Studios for the Diocese of Fargo. Background: Photos used with permission. Copyright © 2018 USCCB, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Source:

Catholic Respect Life implements the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities by facilitating the renewal of the Catholic community to a “Culture of Life.” 

  • 3rd Tuesday each month for our pro-life meeting at 5:30pm ending with Rosary for Life.  

The mission of The Respect Life Ministry of Good Shepherd Catholic Community is to support the Diocese of Fort Worth in encouraging all people to respect life from conception to natural death.

Pro-Life Essay

Read an inspiring pro-life essay written by GSCC parishioner London G. by clicking here. This essay won second place in category 2 (7th - 9th graders) of a pro-life essay contest.


NFP - Natural Family Planning -  a natural and extremely effective form of family planning approved by the Catholic Church. It teaches you to understand your body's natural signs of fertility. 
Surrogacy -  Surrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement and payment, whereby a woman agrees to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child's parent(s) after birth. 



Pray and Fast for conversion of hearts that all may respect life from the moment of conception to a natural death.

I pledge  to go to an additional Mass each week.

I pledge  to make an additional holy hour once a week.

I pledge  to pray an extra Rosary each day.
I pledge  to pray the Rosary in the Eucharistic Chapel (9AM) every Thurs. morning after Mass.
I pledge  to fast from a favorite food, TV show, pastime.
Catholics Care. Catholics Vote.

"We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern."   - Pope Francis, 9/16/13

learn more

Past Speakers
Abby Johnson

Bioethics & End of Life Issues

Perhaps a parent has a severe stroke, or a family member is diagnosed with cancer, or we wish to make plans if we should become seriously ill.  Segments of our secular society are promoting euthanasia and assisted suicide. Our world seems to value productivity and perfection and tries to avoid suffering and even inconveniences at all cost.

What does our faith teach us?  We must go back to the beginning.  God made us.  We are children of God, made in His image.  Each human being has immeasurable value, immeasurable dignity – regardless of his or her size or age or capabilities or imperfections.  God loves us more than we can ever imagine.  His plan is perfect.  All that God wills for us is for our good and the good of others.  We live in an imperfect world:  a world that includes suffering.  No one likes to suffer and no one seeks it.  Yet God in His perfect wisdom and in His plan of love chose that His only begotten Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, should suffer and die by the cross so that all of us could be saved.  God had infinite choices and He chose suffering as the way to salvation.  Suffering must have value.  Through suffering we have the opportunity to unite ourselves more closely to Our Lord and to help others.  This is a gift of our faith.

Then comes the questions:  What about palliative care?  What about using painkillers?  What is the principle of double effect? What about food and water – including feeding tubes?  What if someone is in a coma?  What are ordinary and extraordinary medical procedures?  What is morally obligatory and what is morally optional?  Why is a Health Care Proxy or a Durable Power of Attorney preferable to a Living Will?  See the following resources:



Catholic Church Teachings:

Dignitas personae (On Certain Bioethical Questions).2008, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 

“Released by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this document grapples with a number of bioethical questions raised in response to modern technological advancements in the field of human fertility and infertility. Using the principles of Catholic moral teaching, the document brings clarity and truth to the debates surrounding both procreation and genetic manipulation.” (

Donum vitae (Instruction on Respect for Human Life).1987, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

“Published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this text is the predecessor to the above document, Dignitas personae. Written in the midst of significant medical innovation on assisted reproductive technology, this document defends the gift and dignity of human life (particularly in its earliest stages), against the onset of intrusive and immoral scientific innovation. (

Infertility Treatments – Summary


Pages with many resources from the USCCB – US Conference of Catholic Bishops:


A few more links:

Ministry Lead:  Teri Gray

Staff Contact: Fr. Zack Burns, 817-421-1387